Sunday, April 11, 2010


so i was looking threw my old pics and damn i was so tiny! i miss my 130s and ish i weigh well im not gunna say im thick hubby loves it i dont he says he thinks its impossible for me to get back into my normal body weight ever since i started those meds for fibromyalgia my weight has shot up like crazy and im not crazy about that. so i did some looking around and imma start that quicktrim diet from the kardashians. me and my friend desha are gunna try it. wish us luck! i hope to be back in the 130s by the summer. i wanna be able to wear my two piece bathing suits without feeling so darn insecure.

so far my day is blah...just channel surfing dont know wat to watch.... got to speak to one of my cuzins wow time flies its like we all grown and ish....its crazy....

well thats about it till i feel inspired to write some spoken word
