Thursday, July 1, 2010

something new again?

lost ten lbs without much effort cuz i stopped the quick trim pills.

then on the other hand the doctor wants to test me for RSD which is basically idk more complicated then fibromyalgia because of my symptoms are too severe....
i just shrugged it off and acted very non chalant and it still hasnt bothered me because doctors are always saying certain things to me and the blood work always proves em wrong. first they thought i had lupus go figure .... but if i do have RSD idk how im going to react if its positive so we will wait and see after the EMG and the blood work....

hubby has been saying ive been really intolerable...idk how im just being me i mean i know ive been extra mean etc etc but um its just that TIME if u ladies get my drift lmao....

i went to my first ever premier. i went to see eclipse with marie and my roomie stephiie. it was so much fun! it was so crowded and all the lil girls and even grown ups with t-shirts that said team jacob or team edward. i thought it was the best experience of the year for me! lol. u can tell i dont get out much then my roomie had like a big bag of chocolate so after wards i had the only sugar rush because the new med my doc gave me made me extra woozy, so imagine i was like half asleep the bus ride towards the movies and the bus ride back i was a hyper lil one that couldnt stfu....

my cable was out for two days! it was hell i tell u!.... i called comcast and told them to go fuck themselves etc.... i am so wreckless with my mouth sometimes its going to get me into some deep shit again if i dont chill out but thats just me and if u dont like it then step!

i got hit up from my modeling site to do a gig idk if im going to do it or not i get 50% of the revenue from the site that my pics will be up at....
so lets see if its real or not... cuz i wont do anything unless im paid upfront i aint going to wait for no profit they is bugging!

well thats it for now... see ya soon
