Sunday, March 20, 2011

surpassing hurt

consume me everyday
when is the next lash
whens the next time i will cry
tears right now consume me
all this feels like a horrible night mare
this cant be life
i wanna hear a song
that will make me smile
but everything makes me cry
want that love that i so crave for and an never get
everyone wishes for that prince charming
unfortunately he doesnt exist only in our minds
i need to surpass this hurt
break down this wall over my soul
giving myself time to think it all threw
time is not on my side
its going slow
rush rush rush please
i beg the clock
i want u to run time father time please hurry
give me a chance to surpass this hurt
thats consumed my brain thoughts heart and soul
my spirit broken
splinters on my skin
who will love me when im damaged goods from his wrath
god where are u do u not see my tears
wheres my knight for he has changed to the beast
now i need another super hero
the chips are down
the cards are dealt
time to make a decision
and im at the end of my rope
surpassing this hurt i will do
even if i have to take the consequences